Esses são os áubuns da banda "Thirty Seconds To Mars" atualmente.
Para baixar a letra da musica, click na letra (L) au lado do nome da musica.
30 Seconds To Mars (2002)
Capricorn (A Brand New Name) (L)
Edge of the Earth (L)
Fallen (L)
Oblivion (L)
Buddha for Mary (L)
Echelon (L)
Welcome to the Universe (L)
The Mission (L)
End of the Beginning (L)
93 Million Miles (L)
Year Zero (L)
A Beautiful Lie
Attack (L)
A Beautiful Lie (L)
The Kill (L)
Was It A Dream? (L)
The Fantasy (L)
Savior (L)
From Yesterday (L)
The Story (L)
R-Evolve (L)
A Modern Myth (L)
Battle of One (L)
Hunter (L)
This is War
Escape (L)
Night Of The Hunter (L)
Kings And Queens (L)
This Is War (L)
100 Suns (L)
Hurricane (L)
Closer To The Edge (L)
Vox Populi (L)
Search And Destroy (L)
Alibi (L)
Stranger In A Strange Land (L)
L490 (L)